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ETHENE sachet

The “Ethene” sachets is and innovative Polish product on the domestic market, which, thanks to a special formulation of the active ingredient, allows for chemical absorption of ethylene from the environment. The effectiveness of ethylene elimination from the air is confirmed by the results of tests carried out at the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Storage and Processing of the National Institute of Horticultural Research. The sachets placed in the packaging with fruit or vegetables helps to slow down their ripening, which leads to the potential reduction of unfavourable changes in the quality of horticultural products and extending their shelf life. Moreover, cut flowers, especially those sent in mixed transport with other horticultural products, may retain longer durability after the use of sachets.
saszetki ETEN
What are the benefits of controlling the concentration of ethylene?
Elimination (absorption) of ethylene from the atmosphere surrounding horticultural products after harvest slows down the natural ripening processes leading to a decrease in their consumption quality, and consequently to changes eliminating them from the human food chain.
What is ethylene?
etylen pierwiastek
Ethylene is a natural ripening hormone (a plant hormone) that is common in nature, stimulating, for example, leaf fall, ageing of plants, wilting and fading of flowers as well as ripening, over-ripening and decay of fruits and vegetables. It is secreted by practically all parts of every plant. Controlling the ethylene concentration in the atmosphere surrounding horticultural products after harvest can extend the shelf life while maintaining high quality of the products. Although maintaining optimal temperature and air humidity after harvesting slows down the ageing processes of fruit and vegetables, it does not stop the production of ethylene, which is harmful, in this case, for the quality of the products.
Ethylene may also have a beneficial effect on accelerating the ripening processes and equalising the quality of some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, tomatoes and avocados. The effect of exogenous ethylene is the yellowing and ripening of bananas, the change of colour from green to red in tomatoes, and the softening of avocados which also gain characteristics making them ready to be eaten. While ethylene is used under controlled conditions as a stimulator of biochemical ripening processes, its presence, even at low concentrations during transport and storage, accelerates the ripening and, consequently, the decomposition of fruit and vegetables. Scientific research shows that there is no “safe” level of ethylene in the air that would not have negative effects along the entire chain after the harvest – from garden to table. Even a concentration at the level of ppb (parts per billion, or a concentration of the order of 10-9) can be metabolically active and accelerate ripening of certain types of fruit, vegetables and flowers. In addition to ripening and rotting plant products, external sources of ethylene can also be combustion engines, plastics, smoke and fluorescent lamps. For example, a single gas powered forklift operating in an enclosed space can provide a level of ethylene that can cause severe damage to horticultural products particularly susceptible to ethylene.
Negative effects of ethylene
negatywne efekty etylenu
Commonly observed negative effects of ethylene include mainly: spoiling (fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers), russeting (leaf vegetables and eggplant), yellowing (cucumbers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts), smell change (garlic and onion), wilting (vegetables and cut flowers) , surface burn and softening (apples) and skin damage (citrus fruits).
How to use the sachets
The sachets should be packaged with fruit, vegetables or flowers. Depending on the rate of ethylene production by a given horticultural product, the appropriate number of sachets per one unit packaging should be used. The rate of ethylene production should be determined by the operator in the supply chain, prior to packaging the product.
Protect against moisture!
“Ethene” sachets should be protected against direct contact with moisture in liquid form, e.g. flooding with water, condensate of water vapour from the atmospheric air, etc.
Despite the fact that post-harvest horticultural products could stay only for a very short period of time in various stages and conditions of the supply chain (packing room, cooling chamber, sorting station, distribution rooms, etc.), the effect of increased ethylene concentration in individual stages is cumulative. As a result, their shelf life in the hands of the final recipient, or the consumer may be very short.

The effectiveness of the sachets in limiting the adverse quality changes caused by ethylene may be significantly limited by the condition of horticultural products, their maturity and transport conditions (temperature, humidity, duration, etc.)
Safety of using the sachets
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The sachets are safe in contact with fruit and vegetables.
Nevertheless, do not allow the sachet to become completely wet or tear, and the contents should not come into contact with protected horticultural products.
Do not throw away new and used sachets to sewage system or places near water bodies. Collect used sachets and send them for disposal.
In the event of contact of the skin of the hands with the contents of the sachets, wash hands and rinse thoroughly with water.
saszetka eten
Available sizes
M – sized 4.5 x 5.5 cm - dedicated to small packages, trays, small cardboard boxes and foil packs with fruit weighing up to 3.5 kg
L – sized 7.5 x 9 cm – dedicated to cardboard boxes, bags, foil packs with fruit weighing up to 10 kg
XL– sized 10.5 x 12 cm – dedicated to bushels, cardboard boxes, bags, foil packs weighing up to 20 kg
Available capacities
M – 2 g of the product, L – 10 g of the product, XL – 20 g of the product
Intended use
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They trusted us

Our customers and regular recipients of Ethene sachets are producer groups from all over Poland, which, thanks to the use of Ethene sachets, successfully export apples to distant markets – China, Vietnam, India.
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All our products are manufactured in accordance with the applicable European regulations regarding materials for direct contact with food.

We provide a high standard of biological purity (production is performed under HACCP conditions).
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Manufacturer of innovative absorbers for fresh food
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